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Лідія Хаустова | Lidia Khaustova

Artikel (3)

Haus verloren, Mann an der Front

Daria Kirilova wünscht sich, dass ihr Mann nach Hause kommt. Auf die Frage, ob sie Russland jemals verzeihen wird, überlegt sie 20 Sekunden und sagt ein einziges Wort.

Rescuing the animals stranded by Russia's war in Ukraine

The escalation of the war in Ukraine led to a situation where millions of people were forced to leave their homes, with tens of thousands of Ukrainians left homeless. At the same time, tens of thousands of pets were left without their owners.

Crossing the border into the war

A month before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Ukrainian state called on its citizens in Russia to return home. Rita was one of those who heeded this call. As the war began, she found herself caught in the first moments of the fighting while crossing the border between the two countries now embroiled in brutal warfare.