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War in Ukraine

Juli 4th to Juli 8th

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  • Boris Johnson has resigned as party leader but is refusing to step down as Prime Minister until a new one is elected.
  • Response to Moscow’s move: Kazakhstan wants to transport oil to Europe bypassing the Russian Federation.
  • In Moscow, the U.S. embassy is now on Donetsk People’s Republic Square while the UK embassy is now on Luhansk People’s Republic Square.
  • According to the UK government, despite Boris Johnson’s resignation their policy toward Ukraine remains the same.

Other news:

  • A long-serving official in in the Austrian Intelligence Service is accused of having sold state secrets to Russia.
  • There is a realistic possibility that the battle for Sloviansk will be the next key contest in the struggle for the Donbas according to the British Ministry of Defense.
  • YouTube and Instagram have been disabled in the Kherson region.
  • Russia stopped the transit of oil from Kazakhstan to Europe.

Other news:

  • A second volunteer from France died in Ukraine, he was 20.
  • Satellite images prove that Russia systematically exports Ukrainian grain to Türkiye through Crimea.
  • Ukraine is negotiating with Türkiye and the UN regarding the export of grain through its ports.
  • In the Zaporizhzhia region, Russia has brought in teachers and is forcing parents to send their children to kindergartens and schools with a Russian curriculum.

Particulary positive news:

  • The Ukrainian flag was raised on Zmiiny Island (Snake Island).
  • Germany has already accepted more than 850,000 Ukrainian refugees.

Other news:

  • The Armed Forces of Ukraine withdrew from Lysychansk after heavy fighting.
  • 70 expelled diplomats of the Russian Federation left Bulgaria; photographed wearing T-shirts with Putin on them

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